Remake of Best Friends.

Just a remake off such an old picture I took a while back with Skye/iSkyee. I wanted to remake it because I thought it had more potential regarding the last edit. ~

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Space Time & Galaxies

Space Time and Galaxies:

This is the second photo I edited with the new photo software I have. Pretty much just my character on a backdrop of space.

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Wall Art #1

Wall Art #1:

Wow, I'm back and I just got a new photo editing software, which I won't reveal to you sadly. But after discovering it, I wanted to see what I could do with it, and this is what came out:

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Welcome to my Profile #2

Welcome to my Profile:

Welcome to my profile, it's been a while since I posted one of these but here is a treat from me to you. Derp.

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I Should've Brought A Jacket. ;-;

         I should've brought a jacket. ;-;

    Well it's freezing outside and all I brought was a scar, now I'm left in the cold at a cabin resort with only a scarf and a green shirt. It's also really dark around here so I have to carry around a lantern to see. I was left with no food so I went outside to gather food or hunt animals. Really strange but yeah, I'm stranded until rescue is here to come save me. Which they won't, they probably can't find the cabin... I'm on an island.... alone.
      Come save me please. ;-;

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Colours Collection Album

The new "Colours" album has been released! The 4 primary colors which have been set with specific, special, unique, personalities. They all have their differences! PM me @Savion300 if you want a separation, I can send them separately if needed.

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MLK Collection Album

Happy Birthday to Martin Luther King Jr. 

Thank him for everything that he has done for us. He accomplished a lot in his life, without him, our world wouldn't be like it is today. His most famous speech, " I had a dream". Happy Birthday Martin Luther King Jr, it's sad someone doesn't appreciate your work. Here are some photos that may touch your heart (Mentally). Look below.

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[Late] Merry Christmas from a blue Smurf!

Merry Christmas!

   Sorry for the late post. Anyways. Merry Christmas to all, I hope you enjoy the Christmas Collection! With pictures that can relate to you in many different ways, have a safe Christmas! :)

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There's no telling what could happen. :)

Well, my friends and I were just joking around at first, but when I wanted to use the bathroom, look what I found. I found a surprise in the toilet, and not that kind of surprise! Just look for yourself! :D

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Welcome to my blog/gallery.

Welcome to my Blog:

Welcome to my blog. I edit photos and or ROBLOX Screenshots, this blog is to help keep my photos organized on a blog. This is also for the enjoyment for other people. If you would like me to edit you a photo, message me @Savion300 on ROBLOX. :) I will explain all the instructions that I will require you to do, and don't worry, the process is easy! 
    This blog may not become popular, but that's okay. This was not meant to be popular in the first place, that's great if it is though. :D. Message me on ROBLOX @Savion300!
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No Worries. :)

One of my favorite photo edits. It shows you that you shouldn't have fear in your life, have no worries. Everything is going to be good. Also, do not ask for what I use to edit, but yeah, I loved this one, probably one of my favorite edits I am going to post. :) ~ Savion     Message me at my ROBLOX account if you want an editing done and could possibly posted on this blog. @Savion300 on roblox. :) Send me details on how you want your photo to look. I will explain everything to you when messaged. For now, bye! 

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